this is amazing news. I got an email today from the center for reproductive rights, a ground breaking event is playing out in the courts in America. This is the […]
I know MLK believed that peaceful action is the best way to go when fighting oppression, he did it with black men’s rights; is it possible we can do it […]
Right now, THIS SECOND, call your senators to block RFK nomination!!
RKF is Jr. is missing ALL the pieces. (True story – he says a worm ate part of his brain…) But there is still time to make sure this man […]
A weird new world…
In America, we have primary care physicians (pcp) they are your main doctor that handles most things for you and then you go to specialists as needed. Since moving to […]
Attempting to digest…
is it real? I keep waking up thinking I am having a bad dream. Afterall, I am just getting healthy again after almost 10 years…. I wasn’t here his first […]
Confirmation hearings(p2)
Week 2 is here. And although I do not have much hope any of these jerks will be blocked, we must try. Our silence has not helped us thus far, […]
trump breaking the law, surprised a felon would?
And it took less than a week….. And our 35 count felon of a president has literally broke the law. the question is, will congress do anything about it???? Is […]
Violent criminals released & diversity dies in America…
It is crazy that trump is our president and is a mockery to everything democracy stands for and has been since I woke up from my injury, no, before that. […]
The Young Voice
A lot of the people who say they don’t care about new policies and such because it ‘doesn’t affect them or anyone who they know,’ Hi, now you do. I’m […]
Coasting a Husk
Living life as quietly as possible. Shoved into the molds our parents and society wants us to be as a whole. Say what they want you to say. Stay the […]