This is the not so mild part.. Disclaimer: put your big girl panties on for this. It might hurt…I talked to you last time about waking up in this new America. Where my body is not mine and my biological family supports this. They devolved since my accident, and they thought I would be ok with it… and here is the rest of my story… this is the ROAR in Valkyrie. For this is how angry I am at having my freedom being taken away by those who claim to love me.
Read the first part here.
Turns out the people who said they loved me only wanted to control me. And turns out they think a rapists sperm is more important than my life. Which is disgusting and they deserve to burn in hell for that belief, but the fact they are actively voting for slavery makes me want to go to war in this county. If you are going to kill women, stop being passive aggressive about it and letting them bleed out after 6 hours or more of bleeding out in the hospital. How about we get out on the battlefield and you look us in the eye and shoot us. And we have the opportunity to shoot your sexist, racist, disgusting ass off this planet.
They talk behind my back that I am sensitive. You are fucking right I am sensitive to slavery and the taking away of a right all women alive before RvW was overturned have had your whole fucking life. And now you decide to take it away from your children and your grandchildren, yet you claim to love us? To want a better future for us? Yet you want us in slavery? SO you feel better about yourself? SO you can force others to be controlled by you because you are such a disgusting person that you believe in slavery? That you are such a hypocrite that you want me to break bread with you as you vote my rights away? As you vote me into slavery and you murder women due to your disgusting need to control us.
How about you do some research? And stop leaving the world in the hands of rapists, child molesters, womanizers, chauvinist pigs and make it better for your children. All of your fucking children, you assholes. Cuz that shit should have died these past few generations. How about you pull your head out of your ass and think of everyone and make this planet better for them. Instead of thinking of your prejudiced asshole self. Leave the world in a better place. Or just hurry up and die so we can fix the shit you colossally fucked up and when your God judges you, may she be brutal and cut your balls off for what you have done here. Or leave you to bleed out while the ER watches like you have condemned other women.
These are the thoughts I have after waking up and seeing the state of America. Talk about the biggest hypocrisy on the planet. We claim to be the land of the free, the home of the brave. You are a coward if you voted for Trump and support his anti woman initiatives. Stay away from my body! And any woman out there that thinks its ok for anyone to have a say in your healthcare besides your doctor and you, needs to pull her head out of the patriarchy’s ass and start thinking for herself. Ever wonder what type of person says they love you then does everything in their power to take your power away? The patriarchy does that. And if you don’t believe me, step away from it for a moment. Walk into a place that supports the beautiful person you have every right to become. With every ounce of my being I wish every woman one shining moment of understanding where you saw how beautiful you were without the need for reassurance from others. You saw it because that light that they have worked to crush your whole life is in there, all you need to do is let it out and show the world how beautiful you are. And that’s how each and everyone of you should have been raised. You should have been encouraged and loved and pushed up. Instead, they are voting away your rights, you were pushed down, you were crushed beneath those that may have told you they loved you. Having been through it, I personally know.
Start standing up for yourself. Some of you are scared, and I understand. Not completely, because I am past child bearing age. And that doesn’t mean I’m not horrified by the America we have left to all of you that are either there now or not there yet. Help us change this. I know I am late to the demise of our rights as women in America; I am here now. And together, we gotta make this happen, for your future. And the future of all women. We can’t let them do this to us.
And thus Valkyrie’s Pussy Posse was born. Out of my need to scream at America and other’s desire to be heard. One powerful pussy pontification at a time.
No longer will we be silenced for our emotions, cuz you’re damn right; its emotional and im not stopping!!
Power to the Pussy!! 😉