I was enjoying an evening with my beautiful family. We were getting ready to do some fun new cooking. Trying a new recipe. And I got a text that I am still attempting to process through. My friend, the SnowQueen, sent me a text and my blood is still boiling and the tears come and go…
Yesterday Republican congress people announced their plan to exempt health insurance companies from having to pay for cancer screening for their insureds. So mammograms would not be covered. A new way for women to die….
Once they start attacking our rights, they will not stop. The design of these maneuvers is to take our healthcare back to the 50s where women would die of things that are completely preventable now. Like what’s happening in Texas due to extreme abortion laws. If you want to know what’s happening there, see our W the FUCK section of our site.
This is what republicans voted for? This is what they are doing with your vote. Are you happy with that? To convict your mothers to die of cancer when it is in a great many cases preventable? And you want to take that away from your mom? Your sisters? Your daughters? Your grandkids? What kind of human are you?
We will also have another section of this site devoted to the disgusting truth about the people that are being confirmed to our highest positions in our government. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!! We are allowing womanizers, sexual predators, rapists, and pedaphiles into our government, no wonder they are coming after women. They are willing to rape us in their real life, what do you think their policies are going to be like? Do you not care anymore?
Write to your congress people!!!! PLEASE!! There MUST be something we can do if we come together and let them know this is not acceptable.
For details on the hearings for this week, go HERE.
Tell your Senators to VOTE NO on Marco Rubio as Secretary of State.