Living life as quietly as possible. Shoved into the molds our parents and society wants us to be as a whole. Say what they want you to say. Stay the perfect little child.

It’s a shitshow.

We’re sick of faking smiles, I’m sure you are too. We want emotional connections that are meaningful. We want to live life as ourselves. The small frail child in the husk that was forced to grow up too fast. The projections that we concealed so deep so no one could hurt us anymore. Because it is so much easier to pretend than to face the facts right?

It’s not. Hiding yourself so long- destroying the little kid inside ourselves instead of having them grow up. Break this damn cycle. If you could have a child of your own would you want them to grow up like you did? Second guessing their place in your heart? Do you want them to grow up in a world where they are merely a number? A statistic among thousands of others?

Each life- no matter how small holds so much weight. We can’t keep putting it all into a cage of a box that we ‘have’ to stay in. Aren’t you tried?

It doesn’t matter who you are, what you’ve gone through- what you had to grow from. What matters is who you are now, in this moment. So you have to choose- are you going to stay in the easy lane? The meek little thing everyone wants you to be? Or are you going to be bold, amazing, and unapologetically you? Grow higher than skyscrapers, make your voice mean something to everyone else. Speak for those who can’t yet. Protect the next generation of the cycle?

Happiness is fleeting, so chase it down to gather it all close to your chest, don’t worry about what the others think, what they whisper. Because at the end of the day what will they do to you? This is your story, don’t waste the whole book as a side character.