It is crazy that trump is our president and is a mockery to everything democracy stands for and has been since I woke up from my injury, no, before that. He was a joke before my accident, 10 years ago. A TV personality that could run even a Vegas casino into the ground. He was in loads of debt and an idiot and a womanizer and a chauvinist pig. One of the worst there was at the time.
Now, I wake up and come to find out he has taken my rights away; my biological family and my in laws think a guy who is a 35 count convicted felon has any right to run this country. A guy who degrades and demeans women at every turn, tried to over throw our government on January 6th 2020 and who has written documents that say he idolizes hitler and that’s the type of leader he wants to be. a dictator…. And they voted for him.
Now, after less than a week in office, this poor excuse for a human has released over 200 VIOLENT criminals onto the streets of America. This includes every one that was arrested and convicted or plead guilty to the charges of violent crimes. He also released another 25+ violent criminals that targeted abortion clinics, doctors, or patients in violent ways. Another slap in the face to women and women’s rights. This article talks about the insurrectionists being released and innocent refugees being detained. read more here
This is not even the end of the disgusting crap this guy is doing to our country. He ended every diversity program that is in the government. And seems to be implementing Big Brother tactics to get coworkers to spy and then report them.
How did we let a group of guys that hates women and diversity so much into the drivers seat of our country? IF you are on this planet it is a because a woman loved you enough and your situation to bring you into this world. I know this because before 2020 every woman in America had access to abortion services. So if she wanted to, she could have ended you. Yet, here you are. And now you come for women? The ones who put you on this planet? Have you no humanity? Do you hate your mother that much? I don’t get it.. And does every woman that voted for him hate herself that much?
I keep telling myself and my family we will get through this. I mean, do we have another option? But I will not sit silently as this guy destroys everything this country has stood for my whole life. I refuse to leave a world to my niece where her body is not hers and she is in fear for her life because she can not get the birth control she needs to keep cancer out of her body.
No matter what your religious beliefs are, they are just that, YOUR beliefs and you have NO RIGHT to force them on others. If I choose to follow your god, it is my choice, I will not be forced into your bass ackwards views of the world that have no business being in government.
And our politicians are pathetic…. Every president alive went to this assholes inauguration. What a joke. If there was ever a time to NOT go, this was it… a peaceful way to show the world and AMERICA that you do not support this pompous ass in this position. Yet you went, you laughed, you joked. And you disappointed me. Never before in history have we handed the keys to our country over to a more heinous individual and you all supported it.
In a time and age when we have near instant playback of everything that’s happened in the past decade, it’s amazing how forgetful everyone in washington is. If they can’t remember anything then they have no business being there, if they have no scruples and flip flop with the money, they shouldn’t be there. Start thinking of who you are letting into washington, america, it’s far past time to clean that house. After this administration I would suggest full HAZ mat removal services…. Deep cleaning will be needed.
ooo… Forgot the funny part. trump’s executive order to force all genders to what we are at conception is hilarious. And I wonder if the stupid ones need blocking too. Cuz… according to biology.. We are all female at conception!! AHAHAHHAHA He made america all women! Fkn hilarious. xoxo