It’s hard to reconcile this one… America did vote him into office… but the win was NOT a landslide, it was a mere 2 million votes, and if I understand it correctly it was mostly old people who showed up and voted and others that did not vote or voted for the independent because they were so annoyed with the democrats.
I can understand all of these points, we have done it throughout our history in America and lately I have to say… I have been so disappointed with the democratic party and their lack of any leadership that is standing out. There is no one out there speaking out against the tyranny, they are all sitting around apparently shell shocked and not doing a damn thing, or that’s what it looks like from where I am sitting.
So… half the country voted him in. Since I was not here for his first time when he had experienced people working for him and they could stop the nonsense and prevent the world from hating us. Now… all he has is his lackies with him and they are running amuck like america is an abusive partner, demanding stuff, talking about entitlement and what we deserve… This is disgusting… and such a huge attack on diversity and our rights it’s disgusting. entitilement is a white man idea that says he deserves to have stuff just because of the color of his skin and the dangly bits hanging between his legs. It is not something that good leaders talk about or even say to others because it’s so disgusting…
He is threatening our allies, alienating our friends and making them hate us. He is stopping aid to poverty and war stricken areas and kids in our country and around the world.
All of us want to stop fraud, protect our communities and live in peace. All, except Trump and the republicans. They are creating a storm of nasty that is enveloping the world and history will not be kind to them.
USAID- provides over $40 billion of aid for the sick and hungry around the world.
small business association, – helps entrepreneurs get their businesses started, when I have used in the past they helped with website advice, marketing, meetup groups to help support other business owners, events to bring community together.
consumer protection agency – monitors and pursues scams against american consumers
Adam’s corruption charges demanded to be dropped cuz trump wants him to help him take out all the immigrants.
I can’t even list everything… not to mention taking diversity out of everything, thus treating anyone that is not a white man inferior than them. he’s pushed gender and civil rights back a generation and made racism the norm now in america instead of a disgusting disease that needs to be stomped out.
Nobody deserves this… nobody deserves to be isolated and made to feel alone and helpless. Those who have never gotten involved in politics or human rights, have now started a wave that I hope will continue to ripple across the world, creating an avalanche of humanity that forces us all to stop pushing our antiquated/old fashioned/distructive views on others and just let them be people. Fk, it’s 2025 and I don’t even have reproduction rights in america and it’s my fkn body.
Happy valentine’s day, my friends. On a day that should be about love… I am stuck in the muck of trump’s america, wondering if I have enough opiods left to make it through the next few years of what will become one of the darkest times in american history. I hope the world’s leaders take a stand, cuz the republicans are just letting it happen…
May we come together to stamp out this rise in racism and rapists around the world. Enough is enough.
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