Yesterday there were 2 things on my calendar. One was a townhall meeting with senator bennett and the other was an education seminar about immigrant rights.
I wish I could say I attended both, I did not. I wish I could say the parts that I did attend were encouraging and hopeful, there were not. The immigrant education was mostly good, but disjointed while I was there with them bouncing back and forth between the chat questions and a guy repeating them, but not well… meaning, he would repeat most of the question in the chat, but would leave out a key sentence and then the speaker would answer the question differently than the typer intended. It was odd, my brain couldn’t do it.
I did learn to always say where is the warrant, record/video any interaction that takes place accounting what is happening the best you can, do not interfere, just record. Also to read the warrant, they only have a right to the person and place that the warrant is written for.
And the best thing that I learned from this whole thing, and most disturbing is that immigrants in sanctuary cities are harder to arrest by ICE because they know their rights. This is disturbing because it says to me they are attempting to arrest/detain people illegally and it is the knowing of their rights through education in these cities that is helping them protect themselves from the corruption of our government. That’s very disturbing and sad that others could have avoided being in concentration camps if they knew their rights too. However, if we are using camps, aren’t rights already out the window?
The townhall has much bleaker…. bennett was not encouraging… not motivating and not inspiring… sorry… I wasn’t on long, but I was there for the start of the conversation and his 10 minutes of …i didn’t vote for trump and this is bad kind of talk wasn’t helpful for me at all…. It was good to hear they are hearing from more citizens right now than ever before about being upset about what is happening. However, there was no encouraging message about what will or can be done about the destruction of our democracy. He talked about no rules available to them, but the sad part is… democrats are playing checkers and republicans are playing battleShip. The rules of our government, as we have known them, no longer apply. they are and have been breaking every rule. when will we wake up and understand this will not be stopped by following any rules. this will be stopped by forcing our point, demanding change, not sacrificing our beliefs/morals/ethics for the money they wave at us and the convenience they bring to the table. We must force their companies to their knees. Leave facebook, x/twitter/social pancake or whatever the hell it’s called these days. Stop shopping at these retailers and be mad. find your outlet, get friends together, support each other; talk about how hard it is to get off these platforms. use bluesky, my understanding is yes, it’s political right now; and yes, it’s social media not run by the fat cats trying to control you. get your friends and family there and stay connected.
We can’t do what we have been doing. We can no longer wait to see what happens. We either start now or continue down the road to more racism, sexism, bigotry, and disgusting ‘i’m better than you’ behavior that should have ended generations ago. For your children, grand children, nieces, nephews, and every one of them that you are too blind to see; for the love of all things that are good and right in this universe, stop this insanity and get out of the vampire money laundering scheme the current regime has trapped you in.
To all my canadian friends, I am so sorry trump is such as asshole and has started a tradewar with you. I have loved canada and canadians throughout my life and I understand your response. Hit us hard and stand strong!! Trump is wrong!! He is a liar and you are our friends and he is trying to push you away. Please, stand strong!! He is hitler 2.0 and he needs to be stopped, please help us. we can not help ourselves just yet. please hold strong.
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Read a summary of crap on the W the FUCK page.