In America, we have primary care physicians (pcp) they are your main doctor that handles most things for you and then you go to specialists as needed. Since moving to the city, I have not found one I wanted to stay with yet. It’s a process. Keep in mind, I have seen so many doctors over the past decade with my injury and now my recovery. I have an idea of what I am looking for and who I would like to put on my team.

See, they don’t control me. Doctors are a tool in my toolkit, nothing more. I am the one that knows me, knows what I am willing to accept in regards to my health and what I am not. And through my injury and now my recovery; I have learned they are a part of my team, they are not the head of my team. So I go to doctors that I feel have my best interest in mind. Having woken up recently, I have learned there are now 2 questions I will start every new relationship with; ‘are you pro choice?’ and ‘do you support trump?’. These are now the two pillars that will hold up my relationships. For I will not have people in my life that feel anyone should control a woman’s body besides that woman. Anyone else, can fk all the way off, in my opinion. Get out of her body!!!!! AND STAY OUT!! For every woman that is alive now or will ever be born on this earth, stay away from her body. As for trump supporters, I have no room in my life for people who want to hurt others, immigrants, women, transgender; his supporters are the scum of the earth and don’t deserve one ounce of my time.

Through my injury I have learned how valuable my time is. I almost didn’t have any more time. It was gone for so many years. I don’t have a recollection of much of that time, and now that I have my facilities back, why would I spend my precious energy and time on those that want to hurt me or others?

sooo… long story longer…. When I met my potential new doctor, I asked her those 2 questions. Thankfully, she is pro-choice and does not support trump. So I will build a relationship with her, cuz I feel she cares about women and others in this world and will take me into account as a woman. Not the opinion of some white asshole rich guy that thinks he knows better than me what my body needs. That sounds like the countless assholes that didn’t help me with my injury, The doctors that made it worse, not better. Who treat you like a criminal because you have pain and need drugs to even contemplate staying on this earth because the pain is so intense it feels like someone is bashing your head in every second you are awake.

I do not share these stories to impress you, but to impress upon you that you are not alone. Take your health care into your hands, no matter what doctors or the government say. You control you, nobody else. I got off all the drugs through pain reprocessing therapy through Lin Health. It was 9 years in dark and quiet until a doctor asked me if I was willing to try someone new… To step off the path western medicine had me on, and open my mind to a new way. The hardest thing I have ever done, every day… every minute. I suggest everyone do it. I wish they would teach this stuff in high school. I think we all need to know it. And the sooner we learn, the better off we will be, in life and in the world.

Until next time my friends. Lets empower each other to care! Stop apologizing, take care of you, and demand EQUALITY!!!


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1 thought on “A weird new world…

  1. Fantastic post. Women go through so much at the hands of doctors who don’t trust them. There are great doctors out there (I FINALLY found one after looking for 20 years) but there are a lot who judge women in a way men just aren’t subject to. So demand more from your doctors! They work for YOU!! I love your 2 litmus test questions, Valkyrie!!! Demand the care you need. You deserve it!!!

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