Dang…If you haven’t woken up and looked at the news outlets that are NOT controlled by the current regime, then you should be concerned about what is happening… The lies that are adding up.. I don’t even know how the right wing media can spin it… although fkkk…. fox news was found guilty of lying about the news in 2023, I believe is the date. SO I guess they will say anything, and they actually are… so many lies… we are being lied to or putting our heads in the sand if you believe this stuff that is happening in our government is good or helpful.

There is a quad-demic gearing up in the USA right now…. holy fk.. and our government put a guy that doesn’t believe in science and vaccinations in charge of our health agency. THE health agency.. and if I read the ticker right, someone who has been vaccinated got the measels, so its probably mutated, or the herd immunity is no longer valid.. Last I saw the numbers from the experts, we were close to the tipping point where herd immunity no longer exists for many of these diseases. And yup… we put the idiot with a fkn brain worm in charge of our health agency, thanks republicans for killing people, may u burn in hell for what you have done to those who depended on you to do the right thing.

I’m realizing I am quite confrontational these days, I can’t seem to help myself and I don’t want to waste my energy or time on racists or bigots or rapists or sexist jerks… Im just done putting up with the crap. I spent a career dealing with sexist bullshyt before my injury, now… I’m completely not interested in wasting my time with hateful people…

Another lie now is that Ukraine is responsible for their invasion… W the FUCK. This guy will say anything to justify what he is doing and some assholes are eating his ass to get more… again… W the FUCK!!

infant mortality rates are up since roe was over turned. this IVF stuff is even more disgusting… They say it’s prolife but destroy eggs after being fertilized.. they just change what they say regardless of the truth. So these eggs are not real babies to them but the ones inside women that don’t want them are real babies????? fkn shyt people, figure it out. pro baby is not pro life… look at texas, they are killing women that are having miscarriages and leaving their existing children without a mom and husband now a single dad. you disgusting fkn idiots. not only does the baby die, but mom dies too. SO just give everyone their reproductive rights and STAY OUT OF OUR BODIES!!!!!!!!

I’m more annoyed today than normal.. Im firing my physical therapist.. I tried it his way… Had to reschedule my appointment to 2 days earlier cuz the pain is so much. And I go in today and the asshole starts to tell me what the insurance company wants and how it’s important to him to make sure we do this and that cuz the research says blah blah blah… I told him I didn’t give a shyt about the insurance company. I know they are going to turn this down soon and I have to figure it out for me. Then he tells me he will meet me half way. SO fuck him. If he is not 100% in it for me to heal and become pain free, and if he won’t listen when I said, if you help me get rid of the pain, movement is easy; but nope, according to his schooling, I have to have both to make progress…. Well…. nope… Been doing really awesome for the last 1.5 years doing it the way I am and listening to my body and getting the pain under control and then moving. Afterall, my condition is not normal… and I have been through pain reprocessing therapy. If he is not willing to listen and is just going to lecture and cause me more pain…. yeah… I’m done… I’ve been hurting like crazy since I left my appointment… Both is too much.. unless I want to start doing drugs again.. and I don’t.. but they are not willing to be gentle and take it at my pace. So.. what’s the point…? I’m not paying time and money so he can hurt me.. I’ve done that before. and I won’t do it again. I gave him a chance… it’s disappointing.. to say the least..

There is too much news and lies… the corruption case in exchange for immigrant help; key people in all government organizations, or it seems like all, are resigning as protest to what is happening.. It’s not working though… It doesn’t look like anyone is paying attention… When this happens in corporate america it’s typically because of sexual harassment or really bad stuff being requested and morals coming into play… I’ve left a company that wanted me to lie to their customers, I refused and handed in my resignation. Career people don’t normally need to do that… soooooo something very bad is happening at those places. imo.. I hope we wake up soon and make a change and a big one, this might be irreversible… or take more than a generation to fix the destruction of democracy the current regime is doing to america. dang, it really does hurt to watch… I feel bad for all my friends around the world, this is going to hurt everyone and it started here this time.. so sad..


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Read a summary of crap on the W the FUCK page.