is it real? I keep waking up thinking I am having a bad dream. Afterall, I am just getting healthy again after almost 10 years…. I wasn’t here his first term…. I wasn’t well enough to see what was happening in the world. I’m just trying to keep my head above water…

This week I met many people with similar views as mine. People who didn’t know how bad it was until recently, or just learned how bad it was from my brief interaction with them. They, like me, have never been a political person. But can we stay quiet? Can we afford to put our heads in the sand? To turn the other cheek? To just let them run amuck without any pushback? I say HELL NO! We have no choice but to speak up, to demand equal treatment for all individuals, REGARDLESS OF GENDER/RACE/RELIGION. we need to get over ourselves and start letting people be who they are. Stop pushing your religion on others, accept the fact that not everyone is the same. and move on! Some of us are evolving, unlike others.

There have been 2 airline tragedies in the past few weeks that have taken the emphasis off the confirmation hearings. Which is probably exactly what trump wants… Since I have started to wake up and see what is happening.. It seems that he is all about distractions. It is super sad for the people who lost loved ones in these accidents, my heart goes out to all of you. Its even worse that the president of our united states starts with blame and disinformation instead of leading with condolences.

Women lost their rights to body autonomy when Roe was overturned in 2022, thanks to trump seating 3 supreme court justices in his first term. Women are dieing in America for the first time in a generation because they do not have access to abortion or non biased health care that takes them and their choices and health into account. women in texas are hemorrhaging to death cuz they are having miscarriages and cant get a simple life saving procedure that has been available in every ER for a generation. Now, doctors are just letting women bleed to death… And my family voted for that… And my inlaws did too… That’s the first big thing that really started to hurt when I was waking up.

Then trump was convicted 35 felonies (proven in a court of law) and still ran and was supported to run by the republicans; then they all voted for him again. And then when my niece, who came to live with me, cuz her asshole family; when she went home for the holiday, they just bad mouth me the whole time. I have bent over backwards for her and helped her feel safe and hopefully loved. And financially supported for the first time in her life. They have sent her $400 for the 8 months she has lived here… Expecting me, on a fixed income and just barely in recovery from my injury, to pay for everything…. And they probably think they are doing a good job in her life. Well…. They didn’t… They made her hide who she was, she had a go bag from 14 years on because she knew she would be kicked out of the house if they ever learned that she was gay, vaccinated, or hated trump…. These are the people who voted for the racist, sexual predator and sexist disgusting president…

and now our immigrants are in camps around the united states, trump is running around with his small penis complex and trying to change anything and everything he can swing his tiny pen at… Even changing the names of stuff… Very small penis complex stuff… And taking every initiative for diversity out of our government that has been established over the past 50 years.

I have talked to many of you about your stories and getting involved. Its hard, I struggle with similar things you are struggling with. I say, let’s find the answers together. Let’s reach out to those around us with hearts for others and see how we can lift each other up. Knock on your neighbors door and ask if they need anything. Many non english speaking people are afraid to leave their houses for fear of being taken away, even if american citizens. We have to help each other, if this is what the next 4 years will be like, we are all going to need help and love and support.

Now there is a trade war starting. Being said to be the stupidest trade war in history. I have to agree. Anyone who thinks a tariff can stop illegal activities at the boarder, you are an idiot. This impacts the consumer… The consumers in every country that the tariffs are on or against. They will retaliate…. And why not, its a tiny boy throwing his weight around… I still can’t believe half the country voted for this… How do we afford these increases??????? I can’t…. can you???


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