I know MLK believed that peaceful action is the best way to go when fighting oppression, he did it with black men’s rights; is it possible we can do it for women’s rights? Or what about just for general human rights? Whether you know it or not, you have someone in your life that is non-binary/transgender. If you are special enough that you know the identity of this person, that means you are a trusted few that they feel loves them enough to know who they truly are. And for that, I want to personally thank you for being a great human. For it is through our individual greatness in ourselves that we allow others around us to shine their light in this world. My biological family is very racist and sexist. They voted for trump. I am not yet able to talk to them or even contemplate that conversation due to the utter shame I feel in being part of that family. And they don’t know that my niece is nonbinary/transgender.

You will have to forgive me, for that .’/’ is part ignorance and part not my story to tell as it is still developing. See, my niece is finally in a safe place, away from her immediate family where she can start asking those questions about who she is and what box she wants to be in (on the metaphoric gender question). I find it incredibly brave of her to have those conversations with herself and others. For it is the path to self discovery that I believe we may fight the most.

And all of you know at least one woman. If you are here, you know 2 woman and 1 person that is discovering which box to check; and that person deserves to have a safe place and the health care they need to feel good in their body. SO unlearn the sexism and racism, and learn how to be kind.

Because of the need for action, the need to do something to say enough is enough and we as americans/citizen’s of the world demand our companies have diversity.

It is bad enough our president is a racist and open about it to the world, badmouthing anyone not a white male. But now we have major corporations and American monopolies getting on his racist bandwagon…

STOP USING THESE BUSINESSES: walmart, target, lowe’s, google, meta platforms, amazon, mcDonald’s, Ford, harley davidson, brown-forman (jack daniels parent company), John Deere. read details here in one article and a much more detailed list and timeline in this article.

We need to find other ways of doing business and being entertained or every company will follow his example because there are no consequences if we keep buying from them.

Please spread the word.

Stop shopping at these places!!! Please help us save diversity in america, or we are all doomed… and may our children forgive us for what we have done here…


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