RKF is Jr. is missing ALL the pieces. (True story – he says a worm ate part of his brain…) But there is still time to make sure this man […]
Attempting to digest…
is it real? I keep waking up thinking I am having a bad dream. Afterall, I am just getting healthy again after almost 10 years…. I wasn’t here his first […]
Confirmation hearings(p2)
Week 2 is here. And although I do not have much hope any of these jerks will be blocked, we must try. Our silence has not helped us thus far, […]
trump breaking the law, surprised a felon would?
And it took less than a week….. And our 35 count felon of a president has literally broke the law. the question is, will congress do anything about it???? Is […]
Violent criminals released & diversity dies in America…
It is crazy that trump is our president and is a mockery to everything democracy stands for and has been since I woke up from my injury, no, before that. […]
Trump bans access to life saving information hours after taking office. Does that sound like freedom to you???
It sure as fuck doesn’t to me. Trump just shut down reproductiverights.gov as part of his horrific, tyrannical first day in office. Republicans don’t care about freedom of speech. They […]
Anti-abortion activists are launching campaigns to get men to rat out partners who had abortions and IT’S WORKING
So you really want to get back at your ex? Ruin her life? Slut shame her? Texas anti-abortion zealots have you covered!!!! “This partner-focused approach will shift to a more […]
Disgusting day in history for Americans
It may take me some time to digest the horror of the current situation. I knew it was going to be horrible, but this…. everyone… this… Today is MLK day […]
Why we should all be outraged…
I was enjoying an evening with my beautiful family. We were getting ready to do some fun new cooking. Trying a new recipe. And I got a text that I […]
Confirmation Hearings
You desperately need to pay attention to this information. We can no longer afford to be passive in our government. We MUST show our outrage or we have no hope […]