It may take me some time to digest the horror of the current situation. I knew it was going to be horrible, but this…. everyone… this… Today is MLK day in America. A celebration of civil rights and the work MLK did on the movement. We have a whole day, its a government holiday. And today is the day that the most racist and sexist president I have ever been alive to witness took office. He, in one day, a day we set aside to celebrate our freedoms in America and the people who have fought for those freedoms, this day, is the day trump took us back to the 50s in the beliefs of the world, maybe even further, and his pathetically myopic view of the world and forcing us to live his beliefs like the dictator he said he would be.

You all thought this would be funny? To destroy America and everything everyone ever died for? Every war we have ever fought was to avoid this kind of ruler in the world. The fighting of tyranny, the fighting of the oppressors of history and instead of fighting, you assholes voted him in…. You have doomed us all. For the ones that die before these disgusting notions can be put down, it is you who get that death on your ledger. You are in the red. And when my God judges you, SHE will not be kind. For you deserve to burn in hell, a death far easier than what you have condemned others to.

The New York Times wrote a list of trump’s executive orders and it reads like small penis syndrome run amuck. Like a tiny little man wanting to force his old fashioned sexist and racist views on everyone regardless of what we believe and make our country a place of slavery and horror instead of a place like the statue of liberty talks about. We are a fraud.

Don’t come to America! Pray for us!! and send troops, we need something…… WE NEED HELP!!!!!! Our children and our women and all our people are not safe. How could we do this to America!?!??! WHHHYYYYY