Empty Bowls 2025
Please see the event site for more details about the event https://www.ourcenter.org/emptybowls/ and volunteer to help here: volunteersignup.org/L4KQR
sharing stories, post Dobbs America
Please see the event site for more details about the event https://www.ourcenter.org/emptybowls/ and volunteer to help here: volunteersignup.org/L4KQR
share ur ROAR event, record stories n discuss current events
Fri Mar 21, 3-6pm Friends of Dinosaur Ridge Free Exhibit Hall Entry Morrison, CO Learn More
Carline Free Ride Day: Annual free ride day, sponsored by the family of, and in Honor of, Glenna & Tom Carline, who were dedicated supporters of the Carousel of Happiness, […]
pick a lane discussion
Let go for a hike around the lake! friendly people and pets welcome. We can walk in a group or spread out depending on how our furry friends interact.
book club chat-first chat about which book How to Feel alive again by Katherine May
you must sign up for tickets for this event and bring them with you: https://denverzoo.org/free-days/ last day to sign up is March 26th
get it off your chest
Let's have some fun and do a little painting. bring a few brushes, a canvas or paper you want to paint on and we will have a bunch of colors […]