Feeling alone, trouble finding a way for your voice to be heard? Let us help. Looking for the truth and tired of all the right wing propaganda while they take your rights away or the rights of someone you love?

We are looking for your story. We want your voice to be heard. I am almost 50 and have loved the snow my whole life. I have always loved snowflakes because they are as beautiful as we are if you take a moment to look. Everyone is unique, because that’s how the world is meant to be. If you look around you, nothing is identical. Even identical twins are vastly different in personalities and ambitions when given freedom to express their individuality. Hitler wanted us all to be the same. The people who are afraid of your sparkles, your uniqueness, your beauty; these are the ones that are wrong, not you.

So please, join me in embracing your snowflake, may we all created an avalanche that oppressors and tyranny will not show their faces to again for many generations to come. They are in our government, in our schools, our churches, and you are letting them rape your women, enslave everyone who is non binary and wants a choice for how they live. If you are not a snowflake, you are part of the problem; nothing stops an avalanche. One is coming to a town near you. we are coming for you.

Submit your story here, we are looking forward to hearing from you and will publish your story with the utmost discretion. By sending your story to us, you are giving us permission to publish them in parts or in entirety. All stories will remain anonymous with at most a state mentioned with a fake name. Or submit the below form. Thank you!

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