It just feels unreal still… 30+ days into this regime, the dismantling of democracy in america, the fall of growing democracy in the world and the rise of communism… After hitler and the remembrance days and the education and the all the books, movies, documentaries; we learned nothing… We let them in, they said they would take from the poor to give to the rich, they said they would dismantle the government and it didn’t matter who they hurt. And they said only white men are smart enough for jobs, and america still voted for him. I want to say the election was rigged, that somehow they got in. But it was televised that musk was buying people’s votes and nobody did anything. It was all over the internet and many news media outlets that were brave enough to run with it, he wanted to be a dictator and he didn’t care who he hurt to do it. And it wouldn’t matter. Nobody would do anything about it. In 4 years when he comes up for reelection, if he isn’t impeached and dragged out before then, I really don’t think he is going to leave…
He has said he was king, he has said we will never have to vote again, he has said he wants to be a dictator and hitler is his idol. And here he is… dismantling our government and spreading the most horrific lies like ukraine is at fault for the invasion of russia. It’s so disgusting that this guy is even allowed to talk in public or to other people…. I don’t even have words anymore… He is putting immigrants in concentration camps and we all know where that ends up…. dead people in mass graves, kids, babies, women, men, doesn’t matter… he wants to kill them all…
Oh… And did you know musk has spent over $10M of our american taxpayer money on golf fees in the past month!??!?!? And charged us for it!!!! We, as taxpayers, are paying this asshole and meglomaniac to play golf, lay off people, run around with a chain saw, destroy american influence around the world and hurt all our civil servants that have spent full careers helping america. this is disgusting…. and we are putting people in camps, taking away women’s rights to their bodies, rolling back diversity around america and blaming everyone who isn’t a white guy on anything that goes wrong. when it’s the white guys in washington making all this happen….
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We are planning on having a book club, general and topic specific discussions and activities for fun and adventure. We know bad stuff is happening, but if we focus on that all the time it will wear us down and make us icky too. So we must also focus on the good and get a hug now and again, cuz we deserve joy and love and we are worth it! xoxo
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Read a summary of crap on the W the FUCK page.